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Roots (and routes!) around the Chanonry [Fortrose] ...

25 March 2017

Starts: 14:00

Roots (and routes!) around the Chanonry

Saturday 25th March 2pm at the Cathedral Lych-gate, Fortrose

Join Black Isle Heritage Consultant Verity Walker for a very different guided tour around the history and mystery of Fortrose Cathedral and its Medieval Burgh. The tour will take around 90 minutes

RSVP to 01381 620575 before midday on Friday 24th March

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Dry Stone Dyking Course [Kilmartin] ...

25 March 2017

Dry Stone Dyking Course

Tutors: Gordon Campbell & Doug Bartholomew, specialist Dry Stane Dykers with Scottish Natural Heritage.

Kilmartin Museum

A practical two-day outdoor training course. The course will be held off site, meeting at the museum. Please bring steel toe capped boots/wellies, waterproof clothing, sun cream if a hot day & plenty of bottled water, some heavy rubber type gardening gloves, eye protection  eg builders googles, these don´t need to be worn all the time, just during hammering. Also bring a packed lunch, drinks & snacks each day.
Meet at the museum at 08.45 where a minibus will take students to the site and bring them back to the museum for 5.30pm.

Cost: £40.00 per person.This course is funded via the Scottish Crofting Federation as a Bitesize Skills Course.
For further information or to book a place contact: Donna or 01343 209384

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: